Daria US News

What makes Daria US different from other providers?

Oct 20, 2023 | Company & Vision

On our website you will quickly notice that real estate is our main focus. This topic is an important step for you towards more luxury, joy and freedom. But our project does not end here.

Daria is more than just real estate. We are also a service provider that makes your stay in Cape Coral as pleasant as possible and provides for very special experiences. We also stand for a diverse community that celebrates together and supports and encourages each other.

Valuable option 

What makes us special is our holistic approach. We want to build a casual community in Florida where like-minded people can come together as equals and create something together. It's not a commitment, of course, but it is possible. And just having the opportunity to do so is an incredibly valuable option in these "wild" times.

As with almost all undertakings, the foundation, the cornerstone is crucial to whether a project will be successful or whether there will be failures and conflicts later on due to ambiguities.

We have worked intensively on the foundation of Daria. In doing so, we have incorporated a lot of expertise, many years of experience, clear values and our vision of a fulfilled life into our principles.

Independent decisions through financial freedom

The foundation of our business is based on Native American philosophy. It is about empowering the individual while supporting the community as a whole. Conversely, the individual should not act against the interests of the community.

In concrete terms, this means that as an investor in one of our luxurious Daria villas, you immediately become part of our network. When it comes to finances, we support you with our expertise so that you can achieve financial independence as quickly as possible. The investment in a property in Cape Coral is the first step. Only when people are financially free, they can make independent decisions and care more intensively for the well-being of their environment. With these thoughts and this orientation we founded Daria.

Our expertise is being used to simplify the process of buying real estate here in Florida. Through hard work and close collaboration with attorneys, we've made it so that as an investor, you only need two digital signatures to buy a piece of land in Florida with others. With us, you are a true co-owner and don't just get shares in an option. That's a big difference that gives you much more legal security as an investor.

The best place for great visions

As a member of our community, you will quickly feel and benefit from the spirit of our group. Through the group you get access to great people, great events, unique knowledge and a network that can help you in different areas of life or simply inspire you.

As you can see, we are not just a real estate project that sells houses in the sun. We are about much more. Freedom is an important value to us. We know that the freer each of us is financially and emotionally, the more enriching, joyful and exciting our life together becomes. A happy life also means not being indifferent to the well-being of those around us.

For our extensive vision, we have chosen one of the most beautiful and exciting places in the world: Florida.

You can be part of us and take your first steps by contacting us. We will be happy to advise you and tell you even more about our unique project, which you will probably not find again in this professional and well thought-out orientation.

The sails are set, the wind is favorable, do you want to sail with us?

Patrick Lauber

Patrick Lauber
Co-Founder of the Daria US Group and Managing Member.

Prior to founding the company, he worked as a private equity manager for wealthy family-owned companies. In this position, he dealt intensively with contracts and business models.
Today, his customers benefit from this knowledge by developing optimal business solutions for them.


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