Daria US News

Asset registers in the EU - are there solutions?

Feb 15, 2024 | Investor Tips

Transparency becomes the new standard

The Introduction of the asset register in the EU marks a historic milestone in the European financial world. This innovative measure, deeply rooted in the halls of Brussels where unity is a challenge, has created a rare harmony. It serves as a robust tool in the fight against crime and tax evasion and symbolizes Europe's common will to share and tax wealth in a fair and equitable way. For the wealthy in Germany and beyond, the wealth register is a moment of reflection and an opportunity to focus on a A more transparent future in which openness is the new standard.


Smart asset diversification

In times when the protection and growth of assets take precedence over numerous risks, including taxes and potential levies, With the asset register, the EU is underlining its determination to with a clear signal. It's time to think strategically about diversifying your assets. What could offer a better opportunity than a real estate investment in Florida?

The Sunshine State is known for its unlimited fun, adventure and relaxation. With more than 300 days of sunshine a year, Florida offers a perfect break from everyday life and presents itself as an attractive option for smart asset diversification.


The smart real estate solution

The Daria US Group stands as a beacon for Innovation and smart real estate investments. With the exclusive villas "Lady Daria" and "Sir Henry" in Cape Coral, Daria US not only opens the door to luxurious real estate, but also to a completely new lifestyle. These properties not only offer an exceptional quality of life through their location and amenities, but also invite you to become part of an inspiring community. An investment in a Daria US villa is therefore a decision for a life full of happiness and fulfillment. An opportunity to Turning the dream of luxury and quality of life into reality. Discover paradise in Cape Coral and be inspired by the opportunity to invest in premium real estate and experience unforgettable moments every day.



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Patrick Lauber

Patrick Lauber
Co-Founder of the Daria US Group and Managing Member.

Prior to founding the company, he worked as a private equity manager for wealthy family-owned companies. In this position, he dealt intensively with contracts and business models.
Today, his customers benefit from this knowledge by developing optimal business solutions for them.


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