In recent days, Hurricane Milton has caused great excitement as it threatened the Florida coast. Especially in regions such as southwest and southeast Florida, flooding was predicted and dramatic images of potential damage were announced. But as has often been proven: Not all areas are affected equally, and our construction area in the northeast of Cape Coral has once again proven to be a safe haven.
Hurricane Milton - A dramatization of the media?
Sometimes you might think it's all about dramatic headlines and ratings. Frank Rahlf, co-founder of DARIA, sent a reassuring video message to our partners, customers and employees in the run-up to Hurricane Milton.
From his 30 years of experience with hurricanes in Florida, he knew exactly what to expect. In his assessment, he explained that hurricanes in Florida are not surprising natural phenomena.
With sufficient lead time and appropriate preparations, human lives can be protected, and that was also the case this time.
Frank's personal forecast the day before the hurricane
Teamwork, foresight & flexibility
Now the DARIA team is by no means reckless. A hurricane announces itself days in advance, so there is plenty of time to take safety measures.
Shortly before the hurricane arrived, customers from Germany had traveled to Cape Coral. Thanks to a great logistical feat, all of our customers and employees who were on site were evacuated as a precaution and brought safely to Miami. It was important to us not to take any risks during this time and to ensure the safety of everyone involved. Our special thanks go to everyone involved in the smooth implementation of these measures. In particular Diana, Phil, Christina and Katharina have done a great job over the last week, and of course guided by quick and wise decisions from the company founders Frank and Patrick - The commitment and cooperation of everyone was outstanding. It was team spirit and pure passion for our project.
Our customers hardly noticed any of the rebookings and rescheduling. However, our team had to be really flexible.
Safety first! Everything else can be organized.
A dose of prudence and flexibility were of course helpful.
People who live in Florida deal with the annual hurricane season in a level-headed and well-organized manner. Since a hurricane is on the horizon, people only come to harm through recklessness or irrationality.
Our customers had certainly never experienced a hurricane before. They themselves describe how our customers experienced the situation on site.
Why the northeast of Cape Coral?
Our decision to build in the north-east of Cape Coral has once again proved to be spot on. Unlike the southwest and southeast, which lie in flood zones and are regularly affected by hurricanes, the northeast has been largely spared thanks to its location outside the flood zone. Even during a category 4 storm like Milton, there was no major damage to our homes.
Frank Rahlf sums it up aptly: "We made a conscious decision to build in this area because it is safe and stable. This decision now proves itself anew every hurricane season.
The American way of life - mastering challenges
Of course, there is also considerable damage and suffering on the Florida coast. Our sincere sympathy goes out to the people here. And of course, life in Florida brings with it certain challenges, but that is precisely what makes the "American Way of Life" from:
Deal with adversity, clean up, move on and emerge stronger.
This is exactly what the founders of the DARIA group of companies have focused on thanks to their many years of experience and expertise. Our houses are not only built to the latest construction standards, but are also designed to withstand even extreme weather conditions.
While the clean-up work begins in other places, we can look ahead with confidence. The trust that our customers place in our construction projects was not shaken by Hurricane Milton, but strengthened. Our homes in the northeast of Cape Coral offer security and stability - not only in calm times, but also in extreme situations.
Conclusion: A safe home in the northeast of Cape Coral
Hurricane Milton has once again shown us all how important it is to choose the right location. While many areas in Florida are struggling with the aftermath of the storm, we are happy that our construction area in the northeast of Cape Coral remained unscathed.
Thanks to the excellent logistics, we were also able to ensure the safety of our customers and employees at all times. Everyone was brought to safety in good time and we are proud of the commitment and professionalism of our entire team that made this undertaking possible.
We can proudly say that our houses are not only beautiful, but also safe - the result of forward-looking planning and decades of experience.
Frank Rahlf's reassuring conclusion: "You can all come here. The city is just as beautiful as it was four days ago and our construction area has weathered the whole issue brilliantly."
So stay tuned to see what DARIA will realize next for you in Cape Coral!
Jutta Burmeister
Jutta has been an entrepreneur for over 34 years and is now a business mentor, author and integral life coach. Her recipe for success is based on the combination of analytical thinking and human compassion. She firmly believes that courage and authentic connections are the key to a fulfilled and successful life. Jutta supports the Daria Project to help people realize their dreams and achieve their goals faster.